8-1. His theory of “evolution” influenced many people in the later 19th century. a. Georges Seurat b. Charles Darwin c. Karl Marx d. Félix Fénéon e. none of the above 8-2. What artist wanted to apply scientific principles to Impressionist color? a. Georges Seurat b. Charles Darwin c. Paul Gauguin d. Félix Fénéon e. none of the above 8-3. _____________ moved first to Pont Aven, and then to Tahiti in pursuit of a more “primitive” lifestyle. a. Georges Seurat b. Charles Darwin c. Paul Gauguin d. Félix Fénéon e. none of the above 8-4. What important American collector lived in Paris and supported Pablo Picasso? a. Alfred Stieglitz b. Mary Cassatt c. Georges Braque d. Gertrude Stein e. none of the above 8-5. According to the author, Henri Matisse often used subject matter that can be described as __________ a. conventional b. drawn from the Classical tradition c. harmonious d. all of the above e. none of the above 8-6. Artists who exaggerate form and color to convey emotional impact are called a. classicists b. realists c. Neo-Impressionists d. outsider artists e. none of the above 8-7. _________ designed a glass pavilion suffused with color and light a. Ernst Ludwig Kirchner b. Charles Edouard Jeanneret c. Bruno Taut d. Jacques Lipchitz e. none of the above 8-8. Who was a poet as well as the leader of the Futurist movement? a. Umberto Boccioni b. Gino Severini c. Antonio Sant’Elia d. Mussolini e. none of the above 8-9. The Futurists utilized cubist style but made it more _____________? a. dynamic b. static c. still d. monochromatic e. none of the above 8-10. Morgan Russell and Stanton Macdonald-Wright developed the art movement called __________. a. American Impressionism b. Expressionism c. Synchromism d. Orphism e. none of the above 8-11. _________ was the inventor of the “clavilux”. a. Sonia Delaunay b. Thomas Wilfred c. Alexander Scriabin d. Morgan Russell e. none of the above 8-12. After World War I, Germany’s new representative government was called the ___________? a. Stuttgart State b. Munich Oligarchy c. Berlin Democracy d. Weimar Republic e. none of the above 8-13. Who directed Metropolis? a. Fritz Lang b. John Frederson c. Joseph Goebbels d. Karl Liebknecht e. none of the above 8-14. Moholy-Nagy brought a new stylistic vision, called the __________, to the Bauhaus in 1923. a. woodcut revival b. future harmony c. expressionist spirit d. machine aesthetic e. all of the above 8-15. In 1924, the Bauhaus was moved from Weimar to __________. a. Berlin b. Munich c. Milan d. Dessau e. none of the above